
Slopestyle Forever

Gran Masta Park

Skills - choose wisely

The three lines offer everyone - from beginners to pros - the right challenge. Well over 30 kickers, rails and obstacles invite you to go snowboarding and freeskiing. This makes the Gran Masta Park one of the largest snow parks in Switzerland.

Chill times

The Gran Masta Bar

Good music, fine food and reasonable prices. The Gran Masta Bar is simply part of the park. Beat and his crew entertain the Gran Masta Family here every winter. With no stress and no profit maximization, the bar has long been an insider tip for skiers too. The sunny terrace is a wonderful place to while away the afternoon in a deckchair.

The second half of the season, from the beginning of March, is always a highlight. The days are getting longer, the sun is already warming up nicely and there is still plenty of snow. It's not just busy for the riders, there's also no better time to watch the action.

Nothing comes from nothing

Nothing comes from nothingFrom the start of the season, the park is groomed every night. Nevertheless, a lot of manual work is required. Marcel Brünisholz and his shape team work hard every evening to ensure that the park is in perfect condition from the first to the last day of the season.

The Gran Masta events have long been legendary and a must. Throughout the winter, one highlight follows another: live acts invite you to the party

The real boss here: Gran Masta Silverback

Gran Masta Park - More
Gran Masta Park