©  (c) Destination Gstaad / Yannick Romagnoli / Ferienregion Gstaad
©  (c) Destination Gstaad / Yannick Romagnoli / Ferienregion Gstaad
©  (c) Urs Mathys / Ferienregion Gstaad

W5 Sparenmoos - Hundsrügg - Jaunpass

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  • Difficulty moderate
  • Duration 3:15 h
  • Distance 9,2 km
  • 416 m
  • 550 m

The hike starts at the Sparenmoos parking lot. Over the slightly ascending Nüjeberg plain, the hiking trail leads to the Schiltenegg Alp. From here the terrain becomes somewhat steeper. Via the wide SE ridge you reach the summit of the Hundsrügg (2047 M.a.s.l.). The path continues along the ridge with a fantastic panoramic view. The hiker's view sweeps again and again to the breathtaking Alps such as Stockhorn, the Vaud Alps, Bernese Alps, the Wildstrubel and down to the picturesque Simmental Valley. But above all, the mountain range with the Gastlosen, the Sattelspitzen, the impressive Wandfluh as well as the Zuckerspitz and the Dent de Ruth attract the eye. At the end of the ridge you reach the unattended SAC/CAS Cabane de l'Oberegg. Across alpine pastures and a driveway you arrive at the Jaunpass.

The hike can also be done in the opposite direction.

  • Approach

    The Destination Gstaad is located in the south-west of Switzerland right on the border to the French-speaking part of the country. The Destination is easily accessed by rail or car from the regions around Lake Thun and Lake Geneva and the Gruyere region Direct connections to the European high-speed rail network and all international airports in Switzerland guarantee a time-saving and pleasant journey. The main means of transport in the destination of Gstaad are the "MOB" (Montreux-Oberland Bernois) train and numerous post bus lines.

    More information on gstaad.ch: Travel & Public Transport.

  • By train to Zweisimmen and then by Wandertaxi to Sparenmoos. (Wandertaxi: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday by reservation until 5 p.m. the day before at Tourismus Info Point Zweisimmen +41 33 722 11 33).

    Further possibilities from Zweisimmen:

    • Hitch-hiking benches (locations: Obegg (ascent) / Berghaus (descent))
    • Taxi Schnidrig (+41 33 722 72 72)
    • Taxi 4x4 (+41 33 722 04 04)

    Alternatively, you can also start on the Jaunpass. The Jaunpass can be reached from Gstaad by train and bus via Zweisimmen and Boltigen.

  • Parking Sparenmoos or Jaunpass

    Due to the limited number of parking spaces at Sparenmoos, we recommend especially on Wednesdays and weekends to park at the train station in Zweisimmen and then take the hiking cab. (Wandertaxi: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday by reservation until 5 p.m. the day before at Tourismus Info Point Zweisimmen +41 33 722 11 33).

  • Sparenmoos - Uf de Huble - Hundsrügg - Oberenegg - Jaunpass

  • Good footwear, snacks to savor during a break - why not a Fondue- or a Picnic-Backpack? Further Infroamtion on www.gstaad.ch/en/gstaad/enjoyable-outdoor-experience

  • See also

    www.sparenmoos-aktiv.ch (just in German)

    Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus
    Haus des Gastes
    Promenade 41
    3780 Gstaad
    Tel.: +41 (0)33 748 81 81
    E- Mail: info@gstaad.ch