Mit seinen mehr als 100 m Fallhöhe zählt der Iffigfall zu den schönsten Wasserfällen im Berner Oberland.

Roaring water and places of power

Hydropower in the Simmental

Mit seinen mehr als 100 m Fallhöhe zählt der Iffigfall zu den schönsten Wasserfällen im Berner Oberland.

A pleasant way to cool off in summer

The water plunges more than a hundred meters over several cascades into the depths. An incredible force that can be felt. The plants around the waterfall are lush green. The drops of water on the meadow at the foot of the waterfall glisten as if countless tiny crystals had been scattered here by magic. The Iffigfall is part of the Gelten-Iffigen nature reserve and, with its natural stream, is one of the largest and most beautiful waterfalls in Switzerland.

Slowly approaching the wild water, feeling ever larger drops on your skin

Stretch out your arms, close your eyes. Listen to the sound and breathe in the pure, fresh air. Get wet through and through and then let the sun dry you off. Here you can feel life and recharge your batteries.

Der Wallbach stürzt in der Wallbachschlucht über die Stirn einer Kalksteinplatte mehrere Meter in die Tiefe. Dort hat das Wasser zusammen mit Kies und Geröll über Jahrhunderte metertiefe, zylindrische Sprudellöcher in den Kalkstein geschliffen.
«D’Sibe Brünne» – die Quelle der Simme, die dem Tal den Namen gibt, liegt auf dem Rezliberg oberhalb der Lenk, direkt am Fuss einer mächtigen Kalksteinwand. Dort tritt die Simme weissschäumend zu Tage. Im Sommer fliessen bis zu 2'800 Liter pro Sekunde über die sieben Quellen.

Pack your rucksack and lace up your shoes

Set off in search of the source of the Simme, which gave the valley its name and flows 55 kilometers through the Bernese Oberland from Lenk to Wimmis near Spiez.

Not far from Lenk, the first stop is the Simmen Falls. It is beautiful here and you would love to stay right next to this waterfall and watch the cascading water in the sunlight.

Under the rainbow

A narrow path winds along the roaring Simmen Falls up to the Barbara Bridge. The fine water dust provides the first refreshment and, if you are lucky, you will cross the bridge while a rainbow stretches across it. Deep down, this makes you happy and not only the youngest visitors are beaming with joy. Cheering out loud is allowed and does you good.

"Siebenbrunnen" natural spectacle

After an hour's hike, you can see a fan of water from afar. You have reached the source of the Simme. The limestone wall from which the spring gushes is around 30 meters wide. The water gushes and splashes out of seven crevices, hence the name "Sibe Brünne" or "Seven Fountains". Take some time to linger. Hungry? Have a picnic. Take off your shoes and socks, cool your feet in the fresh spring water and let your thoughts flow with the flow of the water. Here you are very close to nature. This is pure relaxation!