
Repair Café Zweisimmen

21.10.2023 - 21.10.2023

What is a Repair Café? In Repair Cafés, visitors bring defective items with them and
repair them together with volunteer professionals. Tools
tools can be used free of charge, and common spare parts can be purchased
purchased on site. What needs to be repaired is repaired together
- free of charge and in a cozy atmosphere with coffee and cake.
cake. The Foundation for Consumer Protection (SKS) promotes the
Repair Cafés: For the sake of the wallet and the environment.

As a rule, the following can be repaired:
Electrical appliances (cameras, smartphones, MP3 players, blenders, hairdryers...)
Textiles (clothes, backpacks, bags, belts, zippers...)
Wooden objects (small furniture...) / toys / much more!

In case of problems with software of smartphones and laptops you may
You are welcome to come by with the device!